Philip K. Dick: Speaking with the
An Interview with Philip K. Dick by Erik Davis
After spending the bulk of his life cranking out
pulp paperbacks
for peanuts, the science fiction writer Philip K. Dick is now finally
recognized as one of the most visionary authors the genre has ever
produced. While masterminds like Arthur C. Clarke anticipated technological
breakthroughs, Dick, whose speed-ravaged heart called it quits in
1982 when the man was only 53, foresaw the psychological turmoil
of our posthuman lives, as we enter a world where machines talk
back, virtual reality rules, and God is a product in the check-out
Panel Discussion on the Release of
the Film Naqoyqatsi
John Rockwell – A & E Editor, New York Times
Jon Kane – Editor/Visual Designer
Godfrey Reggio – Director
Phillip Glass – Composer
Glass: "This is a film that does address social change and
the way we live our lives. It has become an urgent question and
is no longer just theoretical. It’s not to say that these
films are meant to provide an answer. Recently I looked at Naqoyqatsi
in a different way than I ever had before. I kind of leaned back
and had my eyes half closed. I looked at the images and disconnected
my brain entirely. I just let the images flow into me. I was able
to apprehend the state of the world, our social world, in a way
that I hadn’t before. Usually, I looked at the film in terms
of it being cohesive; did the movements follow each other and make
sense? When I dropped that entirely I began to look at it in terms
of it being a mirror of the world we lived in. Then the question
is what did I think of that world?"
excerpt from the discussion
Remix of Politics
By Rick Silva
From image and text
to audio and video to performance, politics get mixed and remixed.
What could be next? Here’s a scenario; a hacktivist interrupts
the feed into the teleprompter that is scrolling the words for the
SOTU address to G W Bush. Too much on automatic pilot to notice,
Bush reads the hacktivist’s words to millions of people. What
we get is a live remix using the president himself as the splice
between artist and audience.
Panoptic Transition
By Joshua Kane
The Panopticon is a
structure wherein the watched cannot see the watchers, but know
they are being watched: At the periphery an annular building, at
the center a tower. By the effect of backlighting, one can observe
from the tower, standing out precisely against the light, the small
captive cells in the periphery. But this light creates a veil placed
over surveillance, for the light that illuminates each cell also
blinds each prisoner to the presence of guards, or the lack thereof,
as it may be. Each cell then becomes a stage for an unknowable audience;
each prisoner alone, individualized, at once performing for no one
and everyone; each guard capable of seeing each cell and all prisoners
at once at their will. Thus creating an economy in surveillance
– one doesn’t need many guards in a panotpicon and they
don’t need to always be there or always be aware – the
actors (or prisoners as it were) will perform the same whether someone
is watching or not, for they do not know whether someone is watching
or not.
excerpt from essay
DARPA/IAO REMIX (unauthorized)
By David Goldberg
"When I first saw
the explanatory graphics for these projects I was enamoured by the
bold naivete of their bureaucratic aesthetics. Finally, here is
an American visual tradition that possesses the same weird charm
as the Mexican and Indian urban street graphics that are making
their way into expensive little Phaidon editions. Though Jazz is
the Classical archetype of the "Only Truly American,"
these digital images are from the Hip-hop era of sampling and graffiti...
here are the chrome arrows, characters, and text-crowded fields
to prove it. Naturally I tried to click on them as if they were
image maps, hoping that such interactivity would yield elaborations
on icons like the woman in the red dress who operates a lathe at
a uranium plant, the sometimes grinning caucasians getting their
faces "recognized," and the "policy makers"
and "analysts" working with the Genoa Projects. The DARPA/IAO
Remix implements those image maps and fleshes out the narratives,
explains or comments on the technological processes behind the faces,
and "exposes" those who hide behind sweeping titles like
"policy makers."
excerpt from intro to the project
The Australian
Federal Government is Planning a Radioactive Nuclear Waste Dump
in the Woomera Forbidden Area
By Ashley Crawford
There is nothing there, according to the Australian Federal Government,
in the planning of a radioactive waste dump in the Woomera region
in South Australia. The indigenous people of the area tend to disagree.
And, due to the fact that the site is in the Prohibited Area run
by the Australian Department of Defence, most people are unlikely
to get a look at the site.
Art and Society in the Islamic Civilization
By Muzaffar Iqbal
The traditional Islamic cities such as Fez, Isfahan and Damascus
fully utilized technologies but these technologies were based on
the same principles that had guided the Islamic tradition; hence
there was no incongruity in their development. Now they are coming
under increasing dangers of various kinds due to the intrusion of
modern technological advances that have no regard for the sacred
dimension of these cities or for the living space that they enclose.
Time and Power:
How Women's Sexuality Shaped Human Evolution
By Leonard Shlain
An interview by Tiffany Shlain and an excerpt from the
Above my writing desk hangs a quote from Franz Kafka urging writers
to create books that “can be wielded like a pickax to shatter
the frozen sea within the reader’s mind.” If a book
didn’t change the way the reader thought about the world,
then Kafka deemed it not worth writing. I have taken Kafka’s
words as my credo. May this book set your mental ice floes grinding
against each other.
excerpt from the preface
Salt Roads
By Nalo Hopkinson
An excerpt from her latest novel. .."Free-coloured
Philomise had been making eyes at her; well-off brown man with his
own coffee plantation and plenty slaves to work it, but no, our
master didn't want a coloured to have her. Gave her instead to that
yeasty-smelling carpenter imported to San Domingue-him from some
backwards village in the ass end 2.of France. And Georgine was puffing
herself up now she had a white man, never mind he didn't have two
coins to rub together. True, she had cause maybe to be happy. Pierre
was looking after her well. She might get two-three free children
out of it too, and if she gave him enough boys, her Pierre might
release her from slavery finally. When she was old.."
An Interview with Brian Massumi
By Mary Zournazi
"From my own point of view, the way that a concept like hope
can be made useful is when it is not connected to an expected
success — when it starts to be something different from optimism
— because when you start trying to think ahead into the future
from the present point, rationally there really isn’t much
room for hope. Globally it’s a very pessimistic affair, with
economic inequalities increasing year by year, with health and sanitation
levels steadily decreasing in many regions, with the global effects
of environmental deterioration already being felt, with conflicts
among nations and peoples apparently only getting more intractable,
leading to mass displacements of workers and refugees ... It seems
such a mess that I think it can be paralysing. If hope is the opposite
of pessimism, then there’s precious little to be had. On the
other hand, if hope is separated from concepts of optimism and pessimism,
from a wishful projection of success or even some kind of a rational
calculation of outcomes, then I think it starts to be interesting
— because it places it in the present."
excerpt from the interview
but Fabulous
An Interview with Genesis P-Orridge
By Carol Tessitore
"We’re in the first age where everybody can communicate
with just about everybody else. It’s phenomenal and so completely
different to any other period of human history that I don’t
think anyone has fully understood the implications. We were talking
earlier about why I’ve returned to doing Fine Art, and I think
it’s partly because it’s a controllable environment.
The scale of global culture now and the relentlessness of superficiality
are so amorphous a power, that privacy and intimacy become really
radical. I think that’s something that’s really worth
exploring now, unplugging from the networks, and separating oneself.
With that you rebuild trust, conversation and friendship."
excerpt from the interview..
The Investiture as Culture
By Augusto Boal
The very day he was proclaimed President Elect, Lula announced
his priority economic programme: to end the slow starvation facing
50 million Brazilians; and his first international initiative: to
hold out a hand to the Argentineans. What he announced were not
minor micro-economic or diplomatic options, but radical transformations
in ways of governing, an inversion of priorities and a new clear-cut
ethic with no grey areas. He was announcing that
Serpent Temple
By Daniel Pinchbeck
The Global
Consciousness Project at Princeton University studies mass psychic
influence on random number generating. The ability of subjects to
influence random number generation with their thoughts has been
repeatedly verified. For this study, Princeton placed 50 random
number generators in cities around the world. The researchers wanted
to see if global events or crises would lead to perturbations in
the numbers, and statistical deviations from the mean. The greatest
anomaly was recorded on September 11, 2001. The generated numbers
deviated dramatically from the usual average, climaxing several
hours after the terrorist events. But the most extraordinary aspect
of the results was that the statistical deviation began more than
an hour before the first plane hit the World Trade Center.
excerpt from the essay
By Kenji Siratori
The over
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their control deficiency was scattered to the brain-universe......telephony.....
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